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Experience and Commitment

Skill where it matters

Approaching the federal government is a serious challenge: it’s big and the decision centres can be hard to find. 
You can’t afford to wander through the bureaucracy looking for the key players. An experienced guide will help you go straight to the source and make the best pitch possible.
Even in normal times, public policy and regulatory response are increasingly complex…and these are not normal times. Influencing the public agenda requires a keen grasp of political realities and a deep understanding of the subject matter.  Just being right doesn’t carry the day, you need strong analysis and great connectivity in bureaucratic and political circles.
The Saramac team brings decades of experience as well as up-to-date understanding of the political and technical realities to help you fashion your strategy, and implement it effectively.

Our Team

The Saramac team is small - all teeth and no tail.  Our clients deal directly with the principals, they’re not shuffled off to junior staff.  Instead our team brings an unparalleled range of political, bureaucratic and government relations experience to each client we represent allowing us to craft individually tailored strategies that are effective regardless of economic or social sector.

Warren Everson


Warren Everson brings to his clients thirty- five years of Ottawa experience in a wide range of roles including political staffer, bureaucrat, management consultant and government relations practitioner.  
During a decade-long career in the Canadian government, Mr. Everson served on the staffs of five Ministers including International Trade, Solicitor General, Indian Affairs & Northern Development and Transport.  
Building on his particular expertise in transportation and tourism, he broadened his scope while working at StrategyCorp and Bell Canada. A seven-year tenure as Senior Vice President-Policy at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce made him a prominent policy influencer across a wide range of public issues affecting business.

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Scott Smith

Scott Smith is a twenty five year public policy veteran, engaging governments at the local, provincial, federal and international levels and an experienced leader who’s executed roles at several national industry associations, including Canadian Wind Energy Association, the Automotive Industries Association of Canada and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

Scott’s subject expertise chiefly focuses on technology, privacy and security, manufacturing innovation, energy and environment.  He is the author of myriad reports on these subjects, including “Automation, not domination,” “Data for Good” and “Cyber Security, some practical solutions to a growing problem.”

Scott has led numerous national coalitions and is an acknowledged expert in public sector communications.  He has frequently testified before Parliamentary Committees, is a sought-after speaker at industry and government events, and has acted as a media spokesperson for the organizations he represented.


Phil Murphy 


An experienced and successful consultant, Phil is most often found helping innovative companies set strategies and find financing. 
Philip began his professional life as a futures and options trader on the floor of the Toronto Stock Exchange.  In 2003 he became Chief of Staff to future Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a position he held for two years.
In 2005, Philip began working for MDA Corporation as Vice-President of Government Affairs.  He was instrumental in guiding MDA in successfully advancing programs such as UAVs, the Sapphire and RCM satellite programs, and space robotics. In 2016, Philip left MDA to specialize in private consulting in public affairs and government relations.
Born and raised in Ottawa, Philip was educated at Carleton University and earned his MBA at the University of Ottawa.  He is a founding member of the University of Ottawa Kidney Research Centre and of the Canadian Transplant Games Association.

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About Saramac's services

Your Strategic Partner

It’s a dynamic time in government relations in Ottawa.  The next federal election is creeping closer, overshadowing other policy considerations. The incumbent government is keen to deliver on commitments its made in recent years, the leading opposition party is preparing its platform; trying to understand and incorporate the demands of different industries.

Meanwhile the first gestures of cost reduction are being felt across the government – there will be more to come. Programs and industry players with weak cases will be under consideration for cuts.

It’s a time when effective government relations are a critical element of business strategy.

Businesses don’t have time or resources to waste when they approach politicians and the federal bureaucracy.  A trusted guide can make every second count, and ensure you succeed where you need to.  

Influencing Public Policy

By keeping in touch with the policy makers in government departments, agencies and Parliament, our team stays aware of policy developments and changes that matter to you. When it’s time to press for a specific result, we’re ready to craft the message and the campaign.

Effective Communications

Influencing public policy almost always requires powerful and effective communications.  Our team has many years of experience crafting the messages that explain and promote your positions. But modern communications requires use of a wide range of tools which include the always-changing social media. We make sure our clients are using all the channels to be heard.

Accessing financial support

There is a huge and tempting array of federal programs offering financial support to businesses. But nowhere can you waste as much time and money, if you are chasing the wrong funds or pitching in the wrong way.  Saramac principals have helped myriad businesses negotiate the complexities of applying for and securing non-dilutive financial support

Relations with government and reputation management

Too often organizations start their government relations when a problem has already emerged.  With time ticking and damage growing, they suddenly need the attention and support of government agencies and departments. Existing relationships with key government players and a solid reputation that characterizes your enterprise can be critical tools in a high-stress environment. Saramac Consulting helps organizations to have a voice in ongoing government dialogue and simply being known by government managers, factors that can provide a decisive edge.    .

Clients Past & Present

Saramac consultants have specializations - technology and innovation funding, transportation policy, social media and privacy, etc. But the measure of successful consultants is their ability to craft powerful programs across all subjects. Our value-add depends on our knowledge of the political and bureaucratic leadership, the regulatory and legislative processes, the best tools to advance solutions in the public policy arena. Saramac makes an impact across the policy spectrum.

  • ·        Business and Strategies in Europe S.A. for the Delegation of the European Union to Canada

  • ·        Canola Council of Canada

  • ·        CPA Canada

  • ·        Air North

  • ·        Northern Air Transport Association

  • ·        Libang Pharamceuticals

  • ·        CN Rail

  • ·        CP Railway

  • ·        Government of Saskatchewan

  • ·        Government of Alberta

  • ·        Government of Manitoba

  • ·        Government of British Columbia

  • ·        Air Transport Association of Canada

  • ·        Natural Resources Canada

  • ·        Consulting and Audit Canada

  • ·        Angus Reid Group

  • ·        Sunwing Airlines

  • ·        Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association

  • ·        Helicopter Association of Canada

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